Preserving and Protecting our History

The Cheltenham Chronicle
A fabulous local newspaper collection and it’s free.
In your internet browser type:
Gloucestershire Graphic Newspaper
You will be taken to the Cheltenham Local History Society site and access to 42 years of a photographic newspaper supplement in Cheltenham. Select a year then a month and away you go. Remember the pages are copyrighted!
Local Newspapers are a rich source of information for anyone enquiring about the past. There are several large collections available to enquirers. Only one we know of is free to use but all offer good value.
If you enter ‘Winchcombe Hospital’ in the British Newspaper Archive you would have access to 37916 articles from local newspapers.
British Newspaper Archive
Here is one example of a source.
Access costs £14.99 for one month or £8.34 per month on a 12-month contract. Its run by Find My Past in conjunction with the British Library. The search engine is powerful though the results page sometimes has very odd typing. Select a result and you are taken to the appropriate part of the newspaper. You can pay securely using Paypal.
You click on this and the newspapers comes up on your screen.
​ by Ancestry
Just enter ‘’ in your search engine and then select a spot on the map. For Winchcombe select Cheltenham from the list of towns. I was given 306741 sources by their search engine from the word ‘Winchcombe’.
Here is a sample of the riches available at
Gloucestershire Echo 1884-1999
Cheltenham Chronicle 1809-1951
Cheltenham News 1986-1999
Cheltenham & County Looker On 1833-1920
The Guardian 1823-2003
Evening Standard 1897-2024
The Observer 1791-2003
The Daily Telegraph 1855-2013
Birmingham Gazette 1857-1999
Berrows Worcester Journal 1822-1896
Tewkesbury Register & Agricultural Gazette 1858-1967
There is a 7-day free trial then £14.99 per month or £49.99 for 6 month