Preserving and Protecting our History
Winchcombe History Group was formed in 2012 after interest in forming such a group was stimulated by an exhibition of old photographs of the town.
The first meeting of the Winchcombe History Group took place on the 18th December 2012 with 49 members in attendance. By January 2015 membership had reached over 100 and remains so today.
Meetings take place on the 4th Monday in each month (except July and August) at the Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe.
Meetings begin at 7.00pm with tea, coffee and biscuits.
At Christmas and Spring Bank holiday special arrangements are made.
Annual Subscription is £12 plus £1 per meeting attended.
Visitors are very welcome and pay £3 per meeting.
The activities of the Group are planned and coordinated by a committee of 8 that is elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Janet Dufton

Jacquie Pinagli

Jenny Cocks
Programme Organiser

Sue Hilton

Jane Clark
Membership Secretary

David Hilton

Jo Rees