Preserving and Protecting our History
Gloucestershire Archives
The Archives have a series of forty-one ‘Online’ exhibitions on local history. You can view of each these at no charge. Just type ‘Gloucestershire Archives online exhibitions’ into your search engine e.g. Google. Each exhibition comes with a text commentary and exhibits.
Here are a few examples:
Historic Country Houses of South Gloucestershire – focuses on life for the family and workers through archive documents.
Schooldays – the happiest days of your life – tends to deal with rural schools, attendance, inspection, punishment, provision & fierce looking teachers.
The Fairer Sex – concentrates on the nineteen and early twentieth century lives of women in Gloucestershire.
Sitting on the dock of the bay – a review of the changing port of Gloucester and many maps and images of other of the counties inland waterways e.g. the port of Tewkesbury.
All aboard – Gloucestershire rich railway heritage, great image of the PW gang. Gloucestershire Great Achievers – including Beatrice Webb, Lilian Faithfull, Marion Scott, Clara Winterbottom, Dorothy Beale, Freda Wilton & many others.
Many of the images of exhibits are small on the computer screen. You can right click on them to copy – then paste onto a fresh page of WORD. Then you can make as big as you like. You will be able to save or delete them.

1st March 1300-1600
“ Remember When – Thoughts about the past” Talks:
“Lives of the past: one ladies journey through the census”
“Voices of the past: audio-visual archive resources”
At the Heritage Hub, free booking not required.