Preserving and Protecting our History
Census of England and Wales
The company Ancestry hold listings for the Census of England & Wales from 1841 to 1911. The charge for access is £10.99 for one month or £54.99 for six months and Ancestry offer a 14-day free trial.
Here is a small example of an enumerator’s page from the 1911 Census for Greet.
The sheets for 1911 give information for each household so that you can find the names, ages, marital status, occupation and birth place of individuals.
The range of information does vary a little with each Census.
The Gloucestershire Libraries offer free bookable access to their computers in Winchcombe Library. Just ring 01242 602772 to book a timed slot. You can access all the census data held by Ancestry. A library membership card costs £1.
The latest detailed census information comes from the 1921 Census. These records are held by Find My Past and are expensive to access on your home computer.
However, you can have free access from a library computer. Just ring to book, there are three machines available in Winchcombe Library.