Preserving and Protecting our History

Type ‘Winchcombe Museum’ in your browser and then select one of the labels on the first page. You can read about the meteorite or under the ‘About our Town Label’ there are many sites. ‘Lost Buildings’ and ‘Winchcombe Pubs’ are two very interesting collections of images. Check opening times.
Type ‘Holst Victorian House’ in your browser to visit this small yet splendid museum in Cheltenham. It’s the birthplace of Gustav Holst. It includes the piano on which he composed the internationally famous ‘The Planets’. The museum holds many events including a monthly Victorian Book Club (£3.50 per month). There are also events for children in the school holidays.

Image displayed by kind permission of the Holst Victorian House Museum, Cheltenham

Reproduced by kind permission of the University of Oxford under license CC BY 4.0
Gloucestershire Police Archives
This web site is well worth a visit. Just type in in your search engine e.g. Google. The archive has records dating from1839 and a large number of images. There are records of the achievements of individual and accounts of special events in Gloucestershire.